Medicine is made in the kitchen. Now, more than ever, we are called to reprioritize our lives in ways that support nourishment and outrageous well being. When we consistently outsource something as important as what we eat, we disempower our body’s ability to regenerate, to detoxify and to heal. It is time to make time for our own sustenance. Holistic nutrition invites us to be an active participant in the healing process. It is my intention to be a guide, to ignite the creative spark in you to make your own medicine with a joyous heart, whole food, and a willing-ness to learn. Let us move away from over processed, long ingredient listed foods, full of additives and hard to pronounce. Let us eat as close to the land as we can and in so doing heal ourselves and Mama Nature, who so lovingly provides us with everything we need to thrive.

Nutritional consultations are a collaboration. Treatment recommendations are uniquely designed with foremost consideration given to the wholeness of who you are: mind, body and spirit.